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Dakar Int' House @dakarint

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Big thanks to you all for contributing to this amazing KPIs. Much more coming very soon. 
 #DakarInternationalHouse #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-09-27 10:39

22 1


Big thanks to you all for contributing to this amazing KPIs. Much more coming very soon. #dakarinternationalhouse #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel

Limberpoulos from USA taking back the trip after a week in our premises. Safe trip to you... #DakarInternationalHouse #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-09-14 13:12

18 1


Limberpoulos from USA taking back the trip after a week in our premises. Safe trip to you... #dakarinternationalhouse #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel

Either you're alone or a group of traveler, we still have a place for you. 
 #DakarInternationalHouse #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-08-17 12:52

18 0


Either you're alone or a group of traveler, we still have a place for you. #dakarinternationalhouse #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel

Big up to Dakar International House. They really enjoyed their stayed.. #DakarInternationalHouse #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-08-16 14:36

17 0


Big up to Dakar International House. They really enjoyed their stayed.. #dakarinternationalhouse #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel

In the 16th century when the Portuguese visited the country’s coast, the fishermen said “sunu gaal”, which translates into “these are our boats”. The Portuguese, who understood nothing, simply named their land “Senegal”.
 #DakarInternationalHouse #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-08-15 14:06

24 4


In the 16th century when the Portuguese visited the country’s coast, the fishermen said “sunu gaal”, which translates into “these are our boats”. The Portuguese, who understood nothing, simply named their land “Senegal”. #dakarinternationalhouse #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel

Francesca from Netherlands gives her feedback after a couple of stays.
 #DakarInternationalHouse #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-08-08 13:41

12 0


Francesca from Netherlands gives her feedback after a couple of stays. #dakarinternationalhouse #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel

The House of Slaves and its iconic “Door of No Return” is a melancholic reminder of Senegal’s tryst with the slave trade history. It's not far from our premises Dakar International House.
 #DoorOfNoReturn #DIH #Dakar #Senegal #Africa #Tourism #Travel #Hostel

2017-08-01 14:39

17 1


The House of Slaves and its iconic “Door of No Return” is a melancholic reminder of Senegal’s tryst with the slave trade history. It's not far from our premises Dakar International House. #doorofnoreturn #dih #dakar #senegal #africa #tourism #travel #hostel


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