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Dave Rienzi @daverienzi
# 44089

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It’s been an awesome experience consulting on the development of @AthleticonATL over the last 3 years.
The idea behind #ATHLETICON was to bring the passion for athletics, wellness and entertainment together into one epic and inspiring event for EVERYONE to enjoy. Info in my bio.
Atlanta 2020 - It’s on!

2019-09-10 15:16

1222 19


It’s been an awesome experience consulting on the development of @AthleticonATL over the last 3 years. The idea behind #ATHLETICON was to bring the passion for athletics, wellness and entertainment together into one epic and inspiring event for EVERYONE to enjoy. Info in my bio. Atlanta 2020 - It’s on! #ATHLETICON

My Wifey officially graduated from the #UofRienzi ❤️💪🏼🏋️‍♂️ with a 4.0 gpa! So proud of the hard work and dedication @DanyGarciaCo has put into this prep. Her commitment and accountability to bring to stage the ultimate vision she has for her physique is truly inspiring. #PhoenixPro here we come! IGTV link in my bio

2019-08-25 15:11

2585 67


My Wifey officially graduated from the #UofRienzi ❤️💪🏼🏋️‍♂️ with a 4.0 gpa! So proud of the hard work and dedication @DanyGarciaCo has put into this prep. Her commitment and accountability to bring to stage the ultimate vision she has for her physique is truly inspiring. #PhoenixPro here we come! IGTV link in my bio

We’re rounding the curve into the home stretch. A lot of strategic fine tuning from this point on. Excited for this new package @DanyGarciaCo ❤️ is brining to the stage. Watch as we get the facts from the dunk tank and eat some 🦃 🥓. Link in my bio. #ContestPrep #IFBBPro #WPD 📸 @perbernalphoto

2019-07-19 22:15

5239 86


We’re rounding the curve into the home stretch. A lot of strategic fine tuning from this point on. Excited for this new package @DanyGarciaCo ❤️ is brining to the stage. Watch as we get the facts from the dunk tank and eat some 🦃 🥓. Link in my bio. #ContestPrep #IFBBPro #WPD 📸 @perbernalphoto

My Love, you are a force. ❤️@DanyGarciaCo
Link in bio to see the full story 

2019-07-12 18:27

3012 53


My Love, you are a force. ❤️@DanyGarciaCo Link in bio to see the full story #WinInTheGym

Unlike traditional training shoots, all of DJ's content is created through an actual workout that I structure in advance depending upon his physical state. For this shoot he had just landed in LA from London 2 days prior as Hobbs and Shaw went on holiday hiatus.

The peaking diet started 7 days before the shoot and finished with 2 days of very high carbs. Being mindful of hydration and electrolyte balance after extensive travel.

The workout for the shoot was full body including key exercises and techniques that are currently part of DJ’s training programs. Click the link in the bio to see more. 

2019-03-30 13:14

10161 145


Unlike traditional training shoots, all of DJ's content is created through an actual workout that I structure in advance depending upon his physical state. For this shoot he had just landed in LA from London 2 days prior as Hobbs and Shaw went on holiday hiatus. The peaking diet started 7 days before the shoot and finished with 2 days of very high carbs. Being mindful of hydration and electrolyte balance after extensive travel. The workout for the shoot was full body including key exercises and techniques that are currently part of DJ’s training programs. Click the link in the bio to see more. #RienziStrength #BendBoundaries #BuildTheBelief @UnderArmour @ProjectRock @sevenbuckscr

5 Years ago today, I married the woman of my dreams. Happy Anniversary to the love of my life and my queen @danygarciaco !! I Love you!! ❤️ ❤️❤️ #MrandMrsRienzi

2019-03-29 17:20

8398 136


5 Years ago today, I married the woman of my dreams. Happy Anniversary to the love of my life and my queen @danygarciaco !! I Love you!! ❤️ ❤️❤️ #MrandMrsRienzi

Incredibly productive trip to Budapest to prep and train @HenryCavill for key scenes in the upcoming @Netflix series #TheWitcher.
His choice to take things to the next level is no small task as he’s currently working a grueling shoot schedule working French hours(12+ hour days -no lunch breaks) plus an additional 2 hours for hair and make up prep. His 110% commitment is no joke.
Thank you to Adam @FlexgymBudapest where this Superman statue now lives. 

2019-02-07 17:30

22945 518


Incredibly productive trip to Budapest to prep and train @HenryCavill for key scenes in the upcoming @Netflix series #TheWitcher. His choice to take things to the next level is no small task as he’s currently working a grueling shoot schedule working French hours(12+ hour days -no lunch breaks) plus an additional 2 hours for hair and make up prep. His 110% commitment is no joke. Thank you to Adam @FlexgymBudapest where this Superman statue now lives. #RienziStrength

Hobbs and Shaw wrapped with a bang. 
3 shirtless fight scenes in the last week and half of filming.
1 night shoot 
2 consecutive daytime fight scenes. 
I nuanced the peaking for these scenes by combing carb depletion , carb loading, water manipulation, mineral monitoring while working within the constraints of the elevated temperatures of the day shoots.
It’s a fine line to balance holding a peak while filming intense physically demanding fight scenes. Consistent communication and monitoring is required. 
I'm really proud of this Hobbs 2.0 physique. Congratulations to @therock and the entire team who worked with me on this effort.
📸 @HHGarcia41

2019-01-31 20:30

14989 135


Hobbs and Shaw wrapped with a bang. 3 shirtless fight scenes in the last week and half of filming. 1 night shoot 2 consecutive daytime fight scenes. I nuanced the peaking for these scenes by combing carb depletion , carb loading, water manipulation, mineral monitoring while working within the constraints of the elevated temperatures of the day shoots. It’s a fine line to balance holding a peak while filming intense physically demanding fight scenes. Consistent communication and monitoring is required. I'm really proud of this Hobbs 2.0 physique. Congratulations to @therock and the entire team who worked with me on this effort. #RienziStrength 📸 @HHGarcia41

Seated cables rows with the @MaximumAdvantageGrip close-grip supinated handle. 
I like the supinated grip as it allows for greater activation of the lower lats which is key for balanced back development. *3-4 sets of 12 reps *2 second peak contraction static holds and 3 second negatives per rep *Rest 30-45 seconds between sets
 #GoGetYourBurn #RienziStrength

2018-11-30 23:02

8840 139


Seated cables rows with the @MaximumAdvantageGrip close-grip supinated handle. I like the supinated grip as it allows for greater activation of the lower lats which is key for balanced back development. *3-4 sets of 12 reps *2 second peak contraction static holds and 3 second negatives per rep *Rest 30-45 seconds between sets #GoGetYourBurn #RienziStrength

Happy Birthday to my incredibly amazing, brilliant, beautiful and jacked wifey @danygarciaco!! I love you!! ❤️ ❤️❤️

2018-11-29 14:37

2952 67


Happy Birthday to my incredibly amazing, brilliant, beautiful and jacked wifey @danygarciaco!! I love you!! ❤️ ❤️❤️

Building my leg strength back 7.5 weeks post knee arthroscopic surgery. 
The Tools:
1. @KabukiStrengthLab transformer bar - a fully adjustable squat bar set in a position to replicate a front squat which keeps my torso upright thereby limiting the torque on knees at the bottom of the squat.

2. @MBSlingshot Big Ass hip circle to activate the external rotators of the hip throughout the entire ROM of the squat. Important for knee health and 
3. Kinesio Tape to keep the patella tracking properly.


Photo credit: ❤️ @danygarciaco ❤️

2018-11-16 23:30

5761 122


Building my leg strength back 7.5 weeks post knee arthroscopic surgery. The Tools: 1. @KabukiStrengthLab transformer bar - a fully adjustable squat bar set in a position to replicate a front squat which keeps my torso upright thereby limiting the torque on knees at the bottom of the squat. 2. @MBSlingshot Big Ass hip circle to activate the external rotators of the hip throughout the entire ROM of the squat. Important for knee health and rehabilitation. 3. Kinesio Tape to keep the patella tracking properly. #RienziStrength Photo credit: ❤️ @danygarciaco ❤️

I’m a big fan of keeping the muscles guessing and always looking for new and different ways to stimulate hypertrophy & strength. Started chest day warming up with the @bandbell #EarthquakeBar. The instability created by the bar activates & strengthens the rotator cuff, increases neuromuscular facilitation as well as overall motor unit recruitment. #PrimalKettlebellsOptional #RienziStrength

2018-10-25 23:47

6583 224


I’m a big fan of keeping the muscles guessing and always looking for new and different ways to stimulate hypertrophy & strength. Started chest day warming up with the @bandbell #EarthquakeBar. The instability created by the bar activates & strengthens the rotator cuff, increases neuromuscular facilitation as well as overall motor unit recruitment. #PrimalKettlebellsOptional #RienziStrength


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