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apedota21 @apedota21

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Hit the stage once again with the team and we did our thing! Way more to come so stay tuned. “Like Ali I’m the greatest.” #rap #longisland #music #hiphopartist #ontherise #realrap #ankleup

2019-03-03 17:43

112 15


Hit the stage once again with the team and we did our thing! Way more to come so stay tuned. “Like Ali I’m the greatest.” #rap #longisland #music #hiphopartist #ontherise #realrap #ankleup

An incredible experience on Saturday at the High Mom Show. Shout out to @brothaaanature and @fuentesrene_ for making it happen! And a shout out to @mikeg.deli and @o.b.e.d_ for bringing the heat to the stage! @rei_marques_inc this is just the beginning #NYrapper #upandcoming #hiphop #realrap

2019-02-04 22:50

148 24


An incredible experience on Saturday at the High Mom Show. Shout out to @brothaaanature and @fuentesrene_ for making it happen! And a shout out to @mikeg.deli and @o.b.e.d_ for bringing the heat to the stage! @rei_marques_inc this is just the beginning #NYrapper #upandcoming #hiphop #realrap

Shout out to the high mom show for letting me do my thang. Had a great time hitting the stage with the fam. More to come! Check us out 😎

2019-02-03 16:26

166 28


Shout out to the high mom show for letting me do my thang. Had a great time hitting the stage with the fam. More to come! Check us out 😎

Chopping it up with the squad off the top in the 85 live room @iboibeats

2019-01-22 15:40

81 19


Chopping it up with the squad off the top in the 85 live room @iboibeats

Who drank the Coronas

2019-01-20 16:03

119 6


Who drank the Coronas

Two real ones out of L.I. with a dream. Stay tuned.

2018-11-27 21:25

121 7


Two real ones out of L.I. with a dream. Stay tuned.

I don’t often dabble too far into politics, but help me make a difference tomorrow. If at least one person votes after seeing this post, then I know I’ve done the right thing. Thank you

2018-11-05 23:51

68 5


I don’t often dabble too far into politics, but help me make a difference tomorrow. If at least one person votes after seeing this post, then I know I’ve done the right thing. Thank you

Halloween 2018 let’s get it

2018-10-31 23:54

138 14


Halloween 2018 let’s get it

Had a great time at my brothers engagement party on Saturday! Got a few from the burns avenue crew back together 😎 #lifeisgood

2018-09-17 19:01

106 3


Had a great time at my brothers engagement party on Saturday! Got a few from the burns avenue crew back together 😎 #lifeisgood

The best time of the year 😎

2018-07-16 18:51

118 6


The best time of the year 😎

I does this

2018-06-29 22:31

129 10


I does this

Another year, another summer jam 🔥

2018-06-14 17:16

140 13


Another year, another summer jam 🔥


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